Art is Abnormal

Dear Friends,

We’re excited to share that our gallery will re-open on June 3rd! In this new abnormal, I’d like to share with you some thoughts on our future.

Because we cannot gather more than 10 people at a time (according to science), we are pivoting to a continually evolving and rolling exhibition. Each time you come to visit, we will be installing/deinstalling/curating and changing what is on our walls depending on which pieces have found a home and what’s being created by our artists.

Like the 17th and 18th century salons of France, we’ll be gathering small art groups of creatives (artists, poets, writers, patrons, etc.) and host curated bi-monthly meet ups over the next year. If you are interested in joining our salon, please e-mail and you’ll be put on our list.

In regards to visiting the gallery, we will provide disposable face masks, hand sanitizer at both entrances, QR codes for price lists, and printed lists upon request. We strongly suggest you call the gallery to schedule a visit so that we can plan out hourly visits for private viewings of art.

The gallery has always been a breathing, living reflection of contemporary art and our place in time. Art has never been normal and in these abnormal times, we hope that our gallery brings beauty into your lives, inspiration into your homes, and a semblance of happiness and light into your soul.

In gratitude,
Yu-Kai Lin
Owner + Director
404 408 4248
