“Narratives” at Kai Lin Art, installation view. (All photos by Valentin Sivyakov Photography)
Capturing stories, thoughts and moments in life can be an artist’s way of sharing who they are and showing it to the world in the most vulnerable way. When you group several artists with varied mediums and demographics, how do you find their commonality? Finding a common thread between artists requires seeing the work from their perspective, laced with their emotions and histories. Kai Lin Art’s current exhibition, Narratives, running through July 12, includes the works of Steven L. Anderson, Todd Anderson, Kiara Gilbert, Landon Perkins and AD “Kaya” Clark, working here under the name Kaya Faery.
Upon walking in, you’re immediately met with Steven L. Anderson’s Tree Rings, which are full of color and energy and portray the vitality of nature and the wisdom it carries. Anderson draws these concentric circles with markers, pens, oil sticks and ink, and the tree rings take shape as each line expands and builds the form into existence, which is full of vibrations reminiscent of what we feel when outside in nature.